© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

 December 14th

An ever increasing existence, an expansive energy fills me up. I accept my blessings from The Almighty Infinite One.

Sit, relax and envision this phenomenal unfolding for you. Picture it clearly, see it in full detail. Do you see it expanding all around you? The Creative Energy is at work in all of creation, especially your life. See it growing rapidly and completely. You are being flooded with goodness and mercy, the grace of God/Goddess is acting on your behalf. It is readying everything in and on your path. The Blessings are growing, they are magnified! Do you see it yet?

Hold the vision of Expansive Energy fully operating in your life and affairs.  What does it look like for you? More love and peace; more harmony and cooperation; more money substance and freedom? What? Only you can make this decision for yourself. The Energy is eagerly waiting for you to say what it is that you desire. Once you have decided, The Energy goes to work for you, giving you precisely what you have declared.

Now witness the unfolding of your highest good. You deserve it and more. Life is abundant in every aspect. My life is prosperous. Expansive Energy is everywhere evenly distributed. And it is unlimited. I gather my gifts with gratitude.

Be Thankful for the manifestations. Give Thanks at all times and in all ways. Just say it, Thanks God/Goddess. That feels wonderful and opens the floodgates for more to come into your life. Thanks God/Goddess for this incredible Expansive Energy that is circulating all around, in and through me. Thanks Creator for the absolute manifestations of Your Good.

I am a part of and recipient of God/Goddess’ Expansive Energy.