Statistics prove that America is losing the battle against sickness. We rank among the highest in medical expenditures yet the actual health of Americans is among the lowest.
Keep America Strong is partnering with Sandy Rodgers Authentic Ascension, parent corporation of the Life Love and Wellness program to facilitate a free Global Wellness online event. Our hardest hit communities are those of people of color and low income. This population is often unaware of measures they can incorporate to actually improve their health and injury prevention. Wellness is a relatively new concept within these communities as discovered while performing community based health fairs throughout Metro Atlanta for the past 10-15 years.
People of color and low income areas are most impacted by health challenges such as high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, cholesterol and other diseases. Research has proven that these are all preventable with the correct eating habits, exercise and mental calmness. Yet when we do not know and have no idea we can reach out then the numbers will continue to escalate of those affected.
Together, Keep America Strong and Sandy Rodgers Authentic Ascension have gathered some of the brightest minds in the holistic healing arena today to share knowledge with the masses. These experts speak to the unique underlying root causes that plague this population. The presenters are each culturally competent and very sensitive to the tone, needs and vibe of this populace. This is a free global online event.
Keep America Strong Inc is a registered 501 (c) 3 Non Profit Corporation, all donations are tax deductible.

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