© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

 December 1st

December we celebrate and honor Devotion as our theme.

Devotion is described by Webster as a loyalty or deep affection.

The question for you today is what do you honor with your devotion? Do you spend quality time in prayer and meditation? Do you still your mind and connect with Source? Do you allow yourself Peace and calm throughout the day?

I use my time in affirmative prayer. I surround my loved ones in love and harmony. I take time daily to reflect and give Thanks for all that I have, spiritually, emotionally and physically. I am grateful for all of my experiences. I use my time constructively, thinking on those things I will manifest.

My devotion is dedicated to the upliftment of all humanity. I pray without ceasing for world peace. I envision a world filled with peace and humility. I see the heads of state learning a new way of living. I see the leaders surrendering their need to be right and in control to a higher energy of cooperation and unity.

I devote my time to creating a better environment. I assist others in their quest for empowerment. I seek ways to encourage and motivate. I am a catalyst for change, inspiring transformation of myself and others.

I use my time in devotion to send the healing energy of compassion out into the cosmos. I think on thoughts of Peace and Love, Faith and Hope, Wisdom and Strength. My devotion is dedicated to creating an improved state of affairs worldwide.

My devotion is of healing, peace and renewal, acceptance and unity.