© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

 December 5th

I forgive myself for holding on to things which no longer serve me. I forgive myself totally and completely for any negative emotions I have not allowed myself to release. I forgive myself for not honoring the life and beauty in me. I forgive myself for not loving unconditionally!!!

I forgive myself because I have become my own worst skeptic. I release the need to beat up on myself for missing the mark. I forgive myself because I believe I have to work hard to be acceptable and gain entrance into the Kingdom of God/Goddess. I forgive myself because through unforgiveness I cannot move freely; I cannot move forward nor can I accept others.

I forgive myself to liberate the God/Goddess consciousness in me to fully operate and express through me. I forgive because The Source harbors no ill feelings about me. I Am made in the image and after the likeness of The Most High. I forgive myself for not consistently loving me enough to cause no harm to my body temple. I forgive myself because I have held on long enough to these worn out false ideas about what makes me a good person. My standards are from on high and from that position I Am good and very good, even from my inception. I am not conceived nor born into sin. My existence was created from an act of love and passion.

I forgive myself because I must accept that the actions I took represented my understanding at that time. Now that I know better, I do better. Today I declare with full intention to completely and totally forgive myself of any labels or false names I have placed on myself. Today I freely choose Forgiveness.

God/Goddess forgives all my actions. I forgive all my actions. I am freed by and through FORGIVENESS. As I learn to forgive myself it is very easy to forgive all others. My choice is simple: I FORGIVE ALL BEGINNING WITH MYSELF!!!