© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

 December 13th

I use the term, ‘Learn to Love Yourself’ because many of us often delegate that to someone else to do for us. Despite what you have thought in the past, you must LOVE yourself before anyone else can truly love you.

To love yourself is to be completely honest with your thoughts and actions towards you. And you do not have to share your inner most thoughts with anyone unless you choose to do so. So what are you really thinking about you these days? Do you believe you are worthy of the goals and dreams you have for yourself? Are you beautiful by your own standards? Do you experience JOY on a deep soul satisfying level?

You can learn to be ‘in love’ with you, at all times and through all circumstances. You learn this by simply doing it, without excuse or resistance. Just Love who you have become, all the wonderful lessons you have learned and all the growth you have experienced. Isn’t it grand to count it all a blessing? It is your life, your physical existence. It is your heart and your soul that we are celebrating with absolute Joy! Love that person at the deepest levels and watch how much better your life becomes. You are doing it for yourself AND that is reason enough.

Practice giving the best to you this day. They say practice makes perfect. So continue to practice loving your self until you become a master at it. Truly love without any conditions. To love yourself is the greatest gift you can give to you today.

I Love Me today! I truly Love Me today! I Am worthy of LOVE! And I accept Love into my life, beginning with self love. I give myself permission to Love freely, without restraints or limitations. I simply choose to LOVE!

I Am my best friend. I tell myself the truth at all times. I am patient and kind with me. I choose words of support and encouragement with myself. I know I can and I will; it is my choice.