© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

 December 11th

Sacred Intimacy is going within and communing at the very core of who you are with The Source.

This is a private activity that connects you to the Spiritual energy of the Universe. It is Prayer. It is Meditation. It is Breath. It is aloneness with God/Goddess. It is the time when you shut down all else and concentrate on your connection with Infinite Spirit. It is just YOU and The Creator.

Still your thoughts. Turn off the outside environment, the radio, the TV, the self talk. Become very, very still. Trust that you can do this. Say to yourself and the Universe that you are grateful to be alive. Thank God/Goddess for my existence. Shout it loud if you can. Give Thanks. Simply Give Thanks.

Allow yourself to bask in the goodness that is all around you. Think positive thoughts. Be happy that whatever is in your life today is there for a reason. Accept the lesson and blessing in it. Immerse yourself in complete LOVE! Feel the Love as it radiates through your entire body. It may feel like an electrical current or a tingling sensation. However, It is Love Energy that has been waiting for you to recognize and welcome it into your experience.

Love is Powerful! Love is Awesome! Love is healing! Love is energizing!!!

Enjoy your Scared Intimacy each day. Go to that place within you and truly treasure your ability to connect with the energy that sustains life. It is yours to fully appreciate. It is available to you at your beck and call. Just summon the Power and it is there.

Today I experience an incredible Sacred Intimacy that satisfies my every need, care and concern.

Thanks God/Goddess for Your Reality in my life.